可购性 & 艾格尼丝·斯科特的价值

Now, more than ever, the cost of college is a concern for future 大学生 and their families. It's no secret that the sticker price for attending a private college is typically more than that of a public university. But what happens when you look at the cost of college beyond the sticker price?

在全国范围内, about two-thirds of full time students attending private colleges receive aid from that college - bringing the cost of attending a private college down to the point that it may even be less expensive than your local public university. According to the Georgia Independent College Association (GICA), private colleges in Georgia graduate students faster (read: in four years) 比公立大学多(50%比32%). 在正规博彩十大网站排名, we are committed to providing you with an undergraduate experience that is transformative, 有目的性,在很多方面都很有价值.

But first, your research likely begins with cost, so we'll start there too...



在2023-2024学年, 总而言之,正规博彩十大网站排名的平均总费用 (we're talking tuition, fees, housing, dining, transportation, books and estimated expenses) is 每年不到6.5万美元 - significantly less than some other private, liberal arts colleges. In spite of the rising cost of providing the premier educational experiences our prospective students expect and befitting of one of the "Seven Sisters of the South," we have been committed to keeping annual tuition increases as low as possible.

但“出勤成本”并不存在于真空中. 更重要的是其他一些数字:你愿意付出多少 实际上 奖学金后每年支付 & 奖助金, 你得到援助的可能性有多大, 最重要的是, 你到底要付多少年的大学学费? 在这些因素上比较一下乔治亚州的一些大学:

机构 所有拨款后的平均成本 %接受任何援助 %获得学生贷款 Avg. 四年制毕业率 Avg. 6年毕业率
正规博彩十大网站排名学院 $27,333 100% 53% 67.2% 71%
贝瑞大学 $25,876 100% 48% 61.8% 68.2%
埃默里大学 $31,077 61% 22% 82.4% 90.2%
佐治亚州立大学 $21,003 97% 40% 28.4% 54.2%
肯尼索州立大学 $20,573 91% 40% 15.6% 45.4%
美世大学 $23,317 100% 52% 54.6% 68.6%
Oglethorpe大学 $26,200 100% 83% 39.2% 50.8%
斯佩尔曼学院 $37,405 100% 76% 67.2% 75.2%


的 cost of a top-notch education should not be a barrier for students. 在艾格尼丝·斯科特, 100% of our students receive merit-based scholarships and/or need-based aid (不需要偿还的钱), 将他们上大学的总成本降低了60%. We believe in giving you an opportunity to excel at Agnes Scott regardless of your financial situation, and we are committed to making our unique private college education accessible and affordable to qualified students.




of Agnes Scott students receive grant aid (federal, state, local, private and more)
奖学金的平均数额 & 每名学生获得的助学金



average amount cost of college was reduced by scholarships and 奖助金
the average cost of an Agnes Scott residential education for one year after all 奖助金



average percent of need met by the full financial aid package for in-state students
平均四年毕业的Agnes Scott学生



Leah Trotman '21 took full advantage of all the opportunities available to her at Agnes Scott, 包括两次出国留学, 担任同侪顾问, acting as a member of SGA and submitting an academic paper for publication. 利亚同时被授予杜鲁门奖学金和马歇尔奖学金, the last of which made her the first ever recipient from the U.S. 属维尔京群岛.

的re's a reason Agnes Scott is consistently recognized as a top institution for social mobility- and it's because we provide 多个 让我们的学生在艾格尼丝·斯科特取得成功.



  • 56.5% 攻读学位的本科生 认同为有色人种学生.
  • 26.5% 本科生的比例是 第一代 大学生.
  • 71%的第一代大学生 在阿格尼斯·斯科特学院,学生用六年时间获得学士学位, 和我们学生的整体比例是一样的. 在全国范围内,只 44% 第一代学生也是如此.
  • 超过40% 艾格尼丝·斯科特有重大经济需求的学生 获得佩尔助学金 (价值不超过7,395美元).
  • 平均四年制毕业率 占所有学生的67%.

奖金书签: 了解 the college's commitment to JUSTICE, diversity, equity and inclusion.



艾格尼丝·斯科特的择优援助机会从 $25,000-$28,000, with special scholarship opportunities ranging from $500-$5,000. One hundred percent of first-time, full-time undergraduates receive institutional aid, such as the 25000美元,艾格尼丝·斯科特,10万美元承诺 (续期四年, 总计100美元,或全额学费, 食宿. 佩里总统奖学金. 记住, 100% 获得奖学金或助学金的学生.



You qualify as a Georgia resident if your permanent address was in the state of Georgia for the 12 months immediately preceding your enrollment at Agnes Scott. 的 Georgia HOPE and Zell Miller scholarships are available to qualified in-state students (students can only qualify for one or the other). 考虑一下这些事实:

  • 全州57%的阿格尼斯·斯科特学生 receive the Georgia HOPE, a scholarship amount of up to $4,992 per year.
  • 21%的州内学生 receive the Zell Miller, a scholarship value of up to $5,970 per year.
  • average percent of need met by the full scholarship and financial aid package 州内学生是85%. 


Federal aid and additional Agnes Scott 奖助金 are awarded based on eligible students' submission of 免费申请联邦学生援助(FAFSA) 致艾格尼丝·斯科特. Pell 奖助金 for students with significant financial need are awarded up to $7,395和斯塔福德贷款最多可获得5美元,第一年500美元. Even if you think you won't qualify, we encourage you to complete the FAFSA.

*正规博彩十大网站排名学院数据由 制度研究处.





Private colleges are 实际上 known as places of public good. 63% of 所有的学生 at Georgia Independent Colleges receive institutional grant aid, 总共花了将近150美元,000,拨款资助.





艾格尼丝·斯科特10万美元的承诺是给 所有的学生 申请2024年秋季学年. If you are admitted 致艾格尼丝·斯科特 for Fall 2024, you will receive 至少 每年25,000美元的可续期优秀奖学金. Over your four years at Agnes Scott, that will become the promised $100,000. 基于你的申请的实力, 你可能会被考虑获得更高的奖学金, 26美元起,000-$28,每年10 000美元(四年共104美元),000-$112,000).



According to studies from the National Association of Colleges and Employers, employers often rank skills such as critical thinking and communication - pillars of liberal arts learning - above technical aptitude as 职业准备的基本技能. Through a reimagining of the liberal arts in the 21st century, called 峰会, we help you achieve your longterm professional success and purpose, 一个可以为自己说话的记录. *毕业生成绩数据由 实习和职业发展办公室.

奖金书签: 深入研究 我们的专业发展和成功的方法 在你整整四年的本科学习期间.

of students in the Class of 2022 completed internships or mentored research
一名2022届毕业生接受了一份工作, fellowship or grad school placement one year post-graduation
seniors who reported alums helped them achieve their post-graduation goal
Agnes Scott's ranking on the "Best Schools for Co-ops and Internships" list by U.S. 新闻 & 《推荐十大正规网赌平台》
Agnes Scott's ranking on the "Best Schools for Study Abroad" list by U.S. 新闻 & 《推荐十大正规网赌平台》